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Enroll now for the A.I. Lab May Cohort, in one of the most ambitious online schools for Creative Professionals - ever...

Register for a self-paced A.I. Lab Module to explore new concepts in AI creation and creative amplification.

Pro•level AI series

Where do creative professionals go to learn pro-level AI?  the AI Lab.

Learn to use all the core AI tools, and amplify your creative capabilities from day 1.
  • The skills you need to understand and leverage, that make AI work for you.
  • The #1 Course to fully integrate gen-AI into your creative workflow.
  • Gain next-level insights for understanding and implementing AI, for Beginner thru Advanced experienced creative professionals.

Amplify your professional skills

Boost your confidence with AI skills mastery

Write your awesome label here.

The World's First Fully Integrated Bootcamp for Pro Level Creative AI

Welcome to the AI Lab's • AI Unleashed for Creative Pros with Brian W. Sykes. This is the world’s first online course for showing you how to use and fully integrate AI in pro-level creative production. Launching May 6th, this Cohort-based training will cover various aspects of the creative process from prompt engineering to concept development to AI tool use and AI implementation within traditional workflows. This training has been used by Agency professionals and everyday artists alike. AI will meet you where you are, and amplify your creative process.
I will show you how!

$1,595 $1,295 Per Seat
$300 Discount thru 4/6 • Speed is of the essence!

Enrollment Ends  MAY 5 ::: for the MAY cohort

Maybe you are looking for something a bit more - self-paced.

Welcome to the AI Lab • Modules with Brian W. Sykes. These self-paced courses will step-by-step show you how to use and fully integrate AI in pro-level creative production on specific Modules (or outcome focused projects).
This self-paced training will cover various aspects of the creative process from prompt engineering to concept development to AI tool use and AI implementation within traditional workflows with a specific goal in mind per Module. This training has been used by Agency professionals and everyday artists alike across the globe.
AI will meet you where you are, and amplify your creative process - and I am here to show you how!

Price varies on course.

New Course Modules added regularly on a wide range of topics. Each Module will explore and integrate multiple AI tools and processes to help YOU get the most from gen-AI as a Creative Pro.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

Student reviews

Thanks Brian! Your energy and skills and will to share knowledge is mind-blowing! Very impressive! What you do is massively generous and I would love if more people found out of you.
Oskar Bård
Hobby Film
The A.I. Whisperer is at it again! 
Brian Sykes and his course has a been a real eye opener in how I integrate A.I. into my daily creative process effectively. 
Not only is it bags of fun, it's extremely informative and applicable to every creative that wants to expand their own horizons and utilize next-gen tech to push their creative boundaries.
Martin McCusker

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

"I've created 18,000 or 19,000 images. This is probably more than I've created in my 20 years as a designer. 
I then revisited the brief, refined my approach, and continued to use myself as the generative spark, as the prompt engineer. 
However, after watching your video on how you broke down the itemized communication with Chat-GPT, a light was shone on a different approach, a more progressive method of interacting with the software. 
So, after watching your video and revisiting the documents again, I took a step back, then dove in. This time, I began using GPT as a research tool, generating content objectives and using them to define the prompt. I'm now witnessing the process build in front of me, rather than it just being a tool. It has already changed my outlook!"

To all my creative friends-check out this excellent A.I. class. I am involved in the Beta and it has been really fun. Brian is a great teacher... Get in on the fun-you won't regret it!
Denise Laskey
Laskey Creative, LLC

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

I completed the "A.I. Lab • Gen-AI Unleashed for Creative Pros" course by Brian Sykes. Not only did we explore the history of advertising, but we also developed a smartwatch from 1830 and created an authentic campaign with AI tools. Other topics included branding and packaging design, as well as the challenge of creating a newspaper advertisement and billboard for the launch of a soap brand from the end of the 18th century.  What a transformative experience! This kind of learning and practical application of AI tools opens up completely new horizons in the creative and marketing industry.

Andri Hoffman

Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

One of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Challenging, engaging and forward thinking. Do yourself a favor and keep learning for the sake of learning: Not for the next promotion, but for your own curiosity and interests, and queries about the stuff around you. Level-⬆️ 4 U. 
Below would be an idea of a passion project that I was only able to do with the world of information I'm getting from Brian Sykes . While I'm at it, check out... the amazing live and guided courses I'm taking. Like ZERO to HERO in a matter of months. Nothing in my below video presentation actually exists in our physical world. Not even the narrators. I created it ALL!!! Through Brian Sykes' training!
Johnny Phillip Salazar
Interpreter Polyglot-ish • LanguageLine Solutions
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
The A.I. Catalyst

Brian Sykes

I am here... to make a difference.

Learn at a manageable pace, with the support of community, and real-time access to the instructor!


We will have an array of video tutorials that will teach and clearly guide you in all you will need to know.


Find inspiration and support from other Creative Professionals in our active community.

Write your awesome label here.

You'll not be alone!

The A.I. Explore: A.I. Lab is all about community - both online and offline. Join our community of fellow Creative Professionals who are looking to share their knowledge and ideas - and GROW in the practical use of gen-AI!
Frequently Asked Questions

Key Benefits:

Future-Proofing Skills

In a rapidly evolving creative industry, gen- AI tools are no longer an option but a necessity. Stay ahead by immersing your team or yourself in cutting-edge AI techniques seamlessly integrated with creative processes.

Efficiency & Productivity

Incorporate AI tools to accelerate workflows, automate repetitive tasks, and ensure your team or your own work can focus on pure, innovative design.

ROI on Training

A modest investment in upskilling today leads to a quantum leap in project quality, client satisfaction, and the potential to tap into premium markets.

Stay Competitive

With AI becoming a standard tool in the design toolkit, ensure you or your agency aren't left behind. Our community provides hands-on guidance, ensuring practical learning.

Enhanced Creativity

AI doesn't replace creativity—it augments it. Discover how AI can generate novel design inspirations, suggest improvements, and provide insights rooted in vast data, enhancing your creative journey.

What's Included:

Tailored Workshops & Projects

Dive deep into practical gen-AI applications and seamlessly integrate them into creative workflows. Learn by doing, with measured outcomes, tailored for creative professionals.

Networking Opportunities

Engage with a community of forward-thinking professionals, share ideas, engage in peer reviews, and collaborate on future projects. Build your network while honing your skills.

Resource Library

Access a growing library of tutorials, case studies, and best practices. Stay updated with the latest gen-AI trends and insights.

Tool Clarity

Gain directed access to the latest gen-AI tools, ensuring your team or yourself are always ahead of the tech curve, with practical knowledge for real-world implementation.

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